040115 World Status Report

April 1, 2015

Brought to you by the International Center Risk and Safety Office. Use this report to be up to date about risks identified by worldwide official and professional sources.

This information may change without prior notice

Avoid Nonessential Travel


  • 04/01/2015 Ebola standing travel notice. CDC urges all US residents to avoid nonessential travel to Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone because of unprecedented outbreaks of Ebola in those countries.

Take Enhanced Precautions


United Nations

Ebola News


  • 03/30/2015 Updated Case Counts (From WHO SitReps). Countries with Widespread Transmission, Countries with an Initial Case or Cases and/or Localized Transmission, Previously Affected Countries.
  • 03/30/2015 Stories From the Field: Infection Prevention & Control – Sierra Leone. Although safe burial practices are difficult and different from traditional burials, Sierra Leoneans are dedicated to stopping Ebola and have had to break from cultural traditions to honor the deceased. These efforts are monumental, though painful, and have resulted in most burials becoming safe burials in Sierra Leone—an essential and critical step to containing the epidemic.


United Nations

  • 03/31/2015 UNMEER Situation Report. KEY POINTS: Response partners enhance cross-border coordination. UNICEF continues support to safe re-opening of schools in Sierra Leone. UN Women Executive Director underscores impact of EVD on women.

Lifted Risks