2016 Yellow Book

August 13, 2015

The CDC Health Information for International Travel, commonly known as the “Yellow Book,” is a book published every two years with the latest health recommendations for international travel.  The 2016 version is available now as an app, eBook, and as a free online version.  Although the book is written primarily for health care providers, including doctors, nurses, and pharmacists, who help travelers prepare for upcoming trips, the information offers still valuable guidance for travelers such as:

  • Updated vaccine requirements and recommendations.
  • Diseases related to travel: what causes them, where they occur, how to prevent them, and how to diagnose and treat them.
  • How to prevent and treat other health risks such as altitude illness, motion sickness, injuries, and travelers’ diarrhea.
  • Health insights about popular tourist destinations and itineraries.
  • Advice for special types of travel, including study abroad, humanitarian aid work, medical tourism, and living abroad.
  • Guidance for travelers with specific needs, such as infants and children, pregnant travelers, and those with chronic medical conditions or weakened immune systems.

The information in this post is retrieved from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It provides general guidance for UT Dallas travelers. Please note the published date of this post,  and go to the direct sources listed above for the most up-to-date information.  The information in this post may change without prior notice.