080218 – Protests and Demonstrations Advisory
August 2, 2018
Public protests and demonstrations are common, but even a peaceful protest or demonstration can become violent without warning. The Protests and Demonstrations post gives you safety and security recommendations to help you mitigate risk before and during a demonstration abroad.
In general: Don’t participate in, record, photograph, or stay to observe demonstrations abroad, avoid areas where demonstrations and large gatherings are taking place, follow the instructions of local authorities, monitor local media for the latest information, confirm your transportation plans, review your Personal Emergency Action Plan, and ensure your UT Dallas trip is registered in ISOS.
Below you will find recent reports of public protests and demonstrations in various countries.
- Cameroon. Government of Canada. Federal elections are due to take place on October 7, 2018. Demonstrations could occur before, during and after the elections. Avoid areas where demonstrations and large gatherings are taking place. Follow the instructions of local authorities and monitor local media for the latest information.
- Comoros. Government of Canada. A referendum is due to take place on July 30, 2018. Demonstrations could occur before, during and after the referendum. Limit your movements and avoid areas where demonstrations and large gatherings are taking place, especially in Anjouan. Follow the instructions of local authorities and monitor local media for the latest information.
- Democratic Republic of the Congo. UN, GOV.UK. In the upcoming elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, there continue to be concerns of violations of human rights, fundamental freedoms, and peaceful demonstrations suppression. The MLC political party has announced that their leader will return to Kinshasa on 1 August. Large crowds are possible and travel disruption is expected throughout Kinshasa. Avoid all demonstrations and large gatherings, follow the advice of local authorities, monitor local media and minimize time spent in places frequented by foreigners.
- Iraq. Government of Canada. Since July 6, 2018, street protests have been occurring throughout Southern Iraq. Clashes between protestors and security forces have caused injuries and deaths. Protestors have also broken into and looted government buildings. Avoid all demonstrations and large gatherings. Follow the advice of local authorities and monitor local media.
- Malawi. GOV.UK. In the period since 24 July there have been reports of possible incidents of unrest and violence in rural areas of Mulanje, linked to rumors of bloodsuckers; you should exercise caution if travelling in these areas, especially after dark, avoid any demonstrations or large groups of people and follow local security advice.
- Mali. UN, Government of Canada. The first round of presidential elections took place on July 29, 2018. Violent demonstrations could occur after the elections. Avoid areas where demonstrations and large gatherings are taking place. Avoid areas frequented by foreigners and avoid areas that lack a security presence. Follow the instructions of local authorities and Monitor local media for the latest information
- Pakistan. UN, Government of Canada, GOV.UK. The United Nations Secretary-General has congratulated the people of Pakistan for “exercising their constitutional right to vote” on July 25. The potential for violence and impromptu rallies and protests remains, as preliminary are contested and the government is being formed. Avoid all demonstrations and large gatherings, follow the advice of local authorities, monitor local media and minimize time spent in places frequented by foreigners.
- Zimbabwe. GOV.UK. Elections have been announced for 30 July 2018; during the election period you should expect increased political activity, including political rallies and demonstrations, in all parts of Zimbabwe; you’re advised to avoid any rallies or demonstrations.
The risk information in this report is retrieved from U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, and other professional sources as listed in the post. It provides general guidance for UT Dallas travelers. Please note the revision date (mmddyy) of this report, printed on the title of the post, and go to the direct sources listed for the most up-to-date information. The information in this report may change without prior notice.