World Status Report

March 14, 2023

This report intends to give the UTD Community a snapshot of international risks, and other issues as reported by the linked media and official sources from the U.S. and other countries.

More health and security information for each country can be found in the travel advisories issued by the governments of the United States, Canada, the UK, New Zealand, and Australia, and the CDC, ECDC, and WHO sites. Not all advise in these sites will apply to US travelers.

Please note the publication date of this report and go to the direct sources linked for the most up-to-date information.  The information in this report may change without prior notice.




Natural Disasters


  • PAHO warns of rising chikungunya cases in the Americas, some fatal (CIDRAP). Cases are surging, especially in Paraguay and Brazil, with conditions ripe for further spread and health systems weakened by the pandemic and other demands.
  • Children face acute risk amid Malawi’s deadliest cholera outbreak (The Guardian). The disease, which has killed 1,500 people since last March, has been aggravated by heavy rains and an overburdened health system.
  • Five countries report more vaccine-derived polio cases (CIDRAP). Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, and Nigeria all have new cases, and the GPEI confirms the earlier-reported case in Israel. Vaccine-derived poliovirus is a well-documented type of poliovirus that has mutated from the strain originally contained in the oral polio vaccine (OPV). The OPV contains a live, weakened form of poliovirus.
  • Long COVID: 3 years in (The Lancet) March 11 marks 3 years since WHO declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic. While the world is determined to move on from the acute phase, at least 65 million people are estimated to struggle with long COVID, a debilitating post-infection multisystem condition with common symptoms of fatigue, shortness of breath, and cognitive dysfunction, impairing their ability to perform daily activities for several months or years.


Please note the publication date of this report and go to the direct sources linked for the most up-to-date information.  The information in this report may change without prior notice.


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