Guide for On-Campus Partners

Thank you for supporting UT Dallas students to study abroad! As faculty or staff, you have a unique opportunity to help students engage in an international experience.

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For questions regarding specific areas, you can contact OIE staff directly:

Sara Spiegler

Director, International Education

Please see below for your role and the ways in which we ask for your partnership. If you have any questions, please contact us at 972-883-4715 or


Foreign course articulation form (FCAF)

When a student takes courses at an institution abroad, the credit will later be transferred to UT Dallas. In preparation for this, we ask that the student complete the foreign course articulation form (FCAF). The FCAF is used to notify the student if/how the intended courses will count in their degree plan. The ADU is vital in this process, and will determine the fit of the courses.

  • What we ask of you: Review coursework/syllabi of intended courses and determine the UTD equivalent.
  • How to complete it: The student will email the form to you. Review the list of study abroad courses and the syllabi provided. Determine the UTD equivalent, if any, and provide the core designation if the course is approved for core credit. If there is no UTD equivalent, write “free elective.” Also, indicate the type of approval for each course, either one-time approval for that particular student only or standing approval for all students taking this course in the future (renewal required after five years). Electronically sign and date next to each articulated course, and return the form to the student. See the form here: foreign course articulation form
Incoming exchange nomination approval

UT Dallas has many exchange agreements with universities throughout the world. We send UT Dallas students to these universities every semester, and our partners send their students to us. Exchange students are a valuable addition to our campus and to our classes. They bring unique perspectives to the classroom and help UT Dallas students learn intercultural competencies. ADUs are essential in this process, as they give the approval to allow exchange students to take courses in their school.

  • What we ask of you: To review the transcript of the prospective incoming exchange student, and decide if they will be able to take courses in your school.
  • Information to consider: When our partner exchange universities nominate their students to study at UT Dallas, the students have already been vetted and were selected as nominees to UT Dallas according to the eligibility criteria set by the exchange agreement. This generally includes an equivalent GPA of 3.0 or above, and an English proficiency score acceptable to be admitted to UT Dallas. The Office of International Education sends these nominations to the ADU as a final approval for the student to study at UTD. Approximately 95% of students are approved by ADUs. The few that are not approved are typically due to the student not having taken prerequisites that are common for that school (i.e., calculus for JSOM). If there are specific requirements for your school, please let us know. We can communicate that to our partners and review the nominations for those requirements.
  • How to complete it: OIE will email you a transcript for each student nominated to study in your school. Please review the transcript and determine if the student will be able to take courses in your school. Reply to the email with “approved” or “not approved” or let us know if you need more information.

Academic Advisor

Advising Study Abroad-interested students

Students learn about study abroad in multiple ways, and academic advisors are in a unique position to share the opportunity with students. The Office of International Education asks for your partnership in supporting students to learn about study abroad, and to encourage students to pursue it.

  • What we ask of you: Advise students on availability of courses in their degree plan, requirements they could potentially fulfill with study abroad coursework, impact (if any) on degree progress, and academic policies (i.e., 24/30 rule) based on intended semester abroad.
  • How to complete it: There are many ways to support students in studying abroad. Some suggestions are:
    • If a student indicates interest in study abroad, advise them to talk with the International Education team. Give them the link to the OIE webpage:
    • Know where to get more information from OIE. Call x4715, email, or get information on our webpage. Take a look at the recommended programs for majors by doing an advanced search by area of study on our portal.
    • If a student is planning their program and seeks assistance from you, advise the student on availability of courses in their degree plan, requirements they could potentially fulfill with study abroad coursework, impact (if any) on degree progress, and academic policies (i.e., 24/30 rule) based on intended semester abroad.

Foreign course articulation form (FCAF)

When a student takes courses at an institution abroad, the credit will later be transferred to UT Dallas. In preparation for this, we ask that the student complete the foreign course articulation form (FCAF). The FCAF is used to notify the student if/how the intended courses will count in their degree plan.

  • What we ask of you: Advise students on how the courses articulated on their form can apply toward their remaining degree plan requirements.
  • How to complete it: The teaching unit will determine the UTD equivalent of each intended study abroad course. Review the student’s degree plan and discuss with them how each articulated course can apply toward their remaining requirements. Electronically sign and date the form, and return it to the student. See the form here: foreign course articulation form
Academic advisor recommendation for exchange application

Students have the opportunity to participate in an exchange program, studying for one semester at one of our partner universities abroad. We ask that academic advisors supplement and support the student’s application to participate in an exchange program. We want to get a picture of the suitability of an exchange program for the student, and the potential to complete courses that will count toward a student’s degree plan.

  • What we ask of you: Complete a recommendation for students who request it from you.
  • Deadlines: February 15 for fall programs; August 15 for spring programs
  • How to complete it: You will receive an automated email from the Comets Abroad portal, powered by Terra Dotta. The email will include a direct link to complete the recommendation. The form will ask for the following information:
    • Name
    • Email
    • Department
    • Number of credit hours the student has completed toward their degree plan
    • What requirements the student has yet to complete (major/elective/free elective)
    • Comments relevant to the student’s degree plan or qualification for exchange
  • If the student notifies you that they listed you as a recommender, but you didn’t receive the notification email, first check your junk/spam folder. If it is not there, contact or ext. 4715, and we can send the request again.
Recommendation for IEF Scholarship

UT Dallas offers the International Education Fund Scholarship to provide financial support for students to study abroad. It is a merit-based scholarship, and the applications are scored on the student’s essay and two recommendations from faculty or staff.

  • What we ask of you: Complete a recommendation for students who request it from you. Please be honest in your evaluation to give a clear picture of the student’s qualification for funding.
  • Deadlines: June 15 for fall scholarships; October 15 for spring scholarships; March 15 for summer scholarships
  • How to complete it: You will receive an automated email from the Comets Abroad portal, powered by Terra Dotta. The email will include a direct link to complete the recommendation. The form will ask for the following information:
    • Name
    • Email
    • Position at UT Dallas (faculty or staff)
    • Department
    • How long have you known the student?
    • Recommendation of 1-2 paragraphs: Why should this student be awarded the scholarship?
  • If the student notifies you that they listed you as a recommender, but you didn’t receive the notification email, first check your junk/spam folder. If it is not there, contact or ext. 4715, and we can send the request again.


Recommendation for IEF Scholarship

UT Dallas offers the International Education Fund Scholarship to provide financial support for students to study abroad. It is a merit-based scholarship, and the applications are scored on the student’s essay and two recommendations from faculty or staff.

  • What we ask of you: Complete a recommendation for students who request it from you. Please be honest in your evaluation to give a clear picture of the student’s qualification for funding.
  • Deadlines: June 15 for fall scholarships; October 15 for spring scholarships; March 15 for summer programs
  • How to complete it: You will receive an automated email from the Comets Abroad portal, powered by Terra Dotta. The email will include a direct link to complete the recommendation. The form will ask for the following information:
    • Name
    • Email
    • Position at UT Dallas (faculty or staff)
    • Department
    • How long have you known the student?
    • Recommendation of 1-2 paragraphs: Why should this student be awarded the scholarship?
  • If the student notifies you that they listed you as a recommender, but you didn’t receive the notification email, first check your junk/spam folder. If it is not there, contact or ext. 4715, and we can send the request again.
Lead a faculty-led program abroad

There are multiple ways for students to study abroad, and faculty-led programs are a great way to allow many students to engage in high-impact intercultural learning. It also supports the University’s goal to engage globally. Faculty can choose to lead a course abroad, and the Office of International Education will support you throughout the planning, implementation, and upon return.

  • What we ask of you: Propose a faculty-led program. This involves choosing a course, getting Dean approval, creating a budget, marketing the program, as well as RUO responsibilities while abroad.
  • Deadlines: We recommend to complete the proposal one year prior to program dates.
  • How to complete it: See the faculty-led program websiteprogram leader handbook, and the Comets Abroad portal (login required).