032615 World Status Report
March 26, 2015
Brought to you daily by the International Center Risk and Safety Office. Use this report to be up to date about risks identified by worldwide official and professional sources.
March 26, 2015 World Status Report
This information may change without prior notice
Avoid Nonessential Travel
- 03/26/2015 Ebola standing travel notice. CDC urges all US residents to avoid nonessential travel to Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone because of unprecedented outbreaks of Ebola in those countries.
Ebola News
- 03/25/2015 Updated Case Counts (From WHO SitReps). Countries with Widespread Transmission, Countries with an Initial Case or Cases and/or Localized Transmission, Previously Affected Countries.
- 03/25/2015 Ebola Situation Report. A total of 79 new confirmed cases of Ebola virus disease (EVD) were reported in the week to 22 March: the lowest weekly total in 2015. There were 45 new confirmed cases reported from Guinea. Having reported no cases for 3 consecutive weeks, a new confirmed case was reported from Liberia on 20 March. Sierra Leone reported 33 new confirmed cases in the week to 22 March.
- 03/26/2015 Ebola data and statistics. Reports 24 927 cases and 10 338 deaths in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
United Nations
- 03/25/2015 UNMEER Situation Report. KEY POINTS: UNMEER focuses its Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) on EVD prevention measures. UNICEF and response partners intensify targeted social mobilization activities.
- 03/25/2015 Global Ebola Response Data. Outbreak map and data updated.
- 03/26/2015 Lowest weekly total of Ebola cases in 2015 reported, UN health agency says.