International Education Development Committee
The International Education Development Committee (IEDC) is a university-wide standing committee created in September 2017 and appointed by the President.
The IEDC is dedicated to strengthening and to enriching the development of strategic international programs and institutional partnerships that contribute to UT Dallas’ mission. The committee meets once per month as necessary to review and to discuss strategic issues of UT Dallas internationalization, including the feasibility of proposed international programs and international partnerships.
Programs and partnerships under the purview of this committee include, but are not limited to: education-abroad programs, faculty-led international programs, reciprocal student exchange agreements, affiliation agreements, degree program agreements, dual degree program agreements (undergraduate and graduate), and Cotutelle agreements.
- Establishes guidelines and processes, suggests policy recommendations to the Council on Undergraduate Education, the Council for Graduate Education, and the Committee on Educational Policy, while proposing institutional structures to support a holistic, strategic approach to international programs and partnerships.
- Evaluates the design and implementation of international programs and partnerships to support alignment with established institutional criteria, professional standards, best practices, and institutional mission.
- Reviews new international program and partnership proposals and makes recommendations to the Provost and President for final approval.
IEDC Meetings
- The committee meets the last Thursday of each month.
- Agenda topics, including partnership proposals, should be submitted to no later than 2 weeks prior to the IEDC meeting (5 p.m. CT) to be included in the IEDC agenda / meeting.
- The agenda is formed on a first-come, first-added basis.
- Please consult Guidelines for Establishing Partnerships and Submitting and Executing an International Partnership.