Opportunities for Returnees
Welcome back! We hope you found your time abroad to be fulfilling and enriching.
Now that you’re officially a study abroad returnee, you may be looking for ways to get involved and share your experience with others. Or you may be interested in finding ways to continue developing your intercultural communication skills now that you’re back on campus. You may even be looking for opportunities to go abroad again after graduation. As you adjust to being back, here are a few resources and opportunities specifically for study abroad returnees:

Become an International Education Ambassador
The International Education Ambassador program is a volunteer initiative for study abroad returnees dedicated to promoting study abroad across campus. Deadline to apply was by July 15th, 2024!

Intercultural Opportunities on Campus
UT Dallas hosts students from more than 100 countries so there are numerous ways to develop intercultural skills, even while staying on campus.

Peace Corps Prep Program
This a special opportunity for UT Dallas undergraduate students to combine coursework, volunteer service, and hands-on experience (including study abroad).

Get Involved on Social Media
Connect with International Education on Instagram and show us your favorite study abroad photos/videos. Don’t forget to participate in our annual photo contest! All returnees are also encouraged to write a blog about their experiences.

Job Search Tips
Studying abroad allows you to develop skills and competencies that are increasingly valuable in today’s globalized economy.

Opportunities After Graduation
Your curiosity about the world doesn’t have to end once you’ve returned from your study abroad experience.