Intercultural Competence
Requirements: One Core Course + Two Electives Courses or Substantive Intercultural Experience (40 hours). Each intercultural experience lasting at least forty hours may substitute for one elective.
Engaging thoughtfully and fluidly across cultures begins with one’s own self-awareness. With this learning objective, you will deepen your cultural agility through a mix of three introspective courses in which you learn about others while reflecting on yourself in relation to others.
The goal is for you to build your capacity to shift perspective and behavior around relevant cultural differences. Example courses:
- PSCI 4396 Ethnic Conflict
- PSY 4323 Cultural Diversity and Psychology
- PSY 4324 The Psychology of Prejudice
- BIS 4306 Strategies for Diversity in Education
- COMM 4350 Intercultural Communication
- ISIS 4309 Diversity and Globalization
- PA 3379 Diversity in the Public Sector
- SPAU 4393 Language in Culture and Society
And choose two elective courses from the above list or those below:
Internationally Oriented Courses
- AHST 3321 Chinese Art History
- ARAB 1312 Beginning Arabic
- ARAB 2311 Beginning Arabic II
- ARHM 2341 Global Media
- ATCM 4334 Globalization, Media & Culture
- CHIN 3365 Advanced Chinese I
- CRIM 3319 Comparative Justice Systems
- ECON 4360 International Trade
- ECON 4362 Development Economics
- ECON 4382 International Finance
- GEOG 3359 Human Migration and Mobility: Global Patterns
- GEOG 3372 Population and Development
- GISC 4386 Global Change and Its Challenges
- HIST 3369 United States Foreign Relations
- IMS 3310 International Business
- IMS 4320 International Marketing
- IMS 4330 Global Human Resource Management
- JAPN 3311 Advanced Japanese I
- JAPN 3312 Advanced Japanese II
- IPEC 4303 Political Economy of South and Southeast Asia
- IPEC 4304 Political Economy of Latin America
- IPEC 4305 Topics in Science, Technology and Institutions
- IPEC 4307 Regional Topics in International Political Economy
- IPEC 4308 Political Economy of Africa
- IPEC 4309 Urban Development
- IPEC 4310 Environmental and Health Policy in East Asia
- IPEC 4375 Benefit-Cost Analysis
- IPEC 4376 Foreign Policy and Public Opinion
- IPEC 4377 Politics of International Finance
- IPEC 4384 Health and Environmental Policy: A Global Perspective
- IPEC 4396 Topics in International Political Economy
- IPEC 4V91 Undergraduate Research in International Political Economy
- IPEC 4V98 Internship
- IPEC 4V99 Senior Honors in International Political Economy
- ISIS 3350 World Archaeology
- LANG 3342 Advanced Language Instruction
- LANG 3348 Topics in Language
- LANG 4348 Advanced Topics in Language
- LIT 2329 Introduction to Ethnic American Literature
- LIT 2331 Masterpieces of World Literature
- LIT 3329 Ethnic American Literature
- PHIL 4380 Topics in Philosophy
- PSCI 3306 Political Economy
- PSCI 3327 American Foreign Policy
- PSCI 3328 International Relations
- PSCI 3350 Comparative Politics
- PSCI 4347 War on Drugs
- PSCI 4348 Terrorism
- PSCI 4357 Human Rights and The Rule of Law
- PSCI 4359 Globalization and International Conflict
- PSCI 4360 The Political Economy of Multinational Corporations
- PSCI 4378 Migration, Refugee and Asylum Policy and Law
- PSY 4323 Cultural Diversity & Psychology
- PSY 4324 The Psychology of Prejudice
- PSY/SPAU 4393 Language in Culture and Society
- SPAN 2341 Medical Spanish
- SPAN 3340 Advanced Medical Spanish
- SPAN 3365 Advanced Spanish I
- SPAN 3366 Advanced Spanish II
- SPAN 4301 Advanced Spanish Conversation
- SPAN 4302 Spanish Conversation and Community
- SPAN 4315 Study Abroad in Spanish
- SPAN 4364 Advanced Spanish Culture
- SOC 4387 Religion in International Development
- SOC 4388 Religions in Global Societies
- GEOG 4396 Selected Topics in Geography*
- HIST 4357 Topics in African and African-American History
- IPEC 4307 Regional Topics in International Political Economy*
- IPEC 4308 Political Economy of Africa
- ISSS 4V86 Special Interdisciplinary Topics in the Social Sciences*
- LIT 3382 Topics in Non-Western Literature*
- PSCI 4315 Civil Conflict in Africa
- PSCI 4396 Selected Topics in Government and Politics*
- SOC 3336 Culture Regions*
- GEOG 3382 Russia: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
- GEOG 4396 Selected Topics in Geography*
- HIST 3317 The Crusades
- HIST 3318 The Medieval Europe
- HIST 3319 Early Modern Europe
- HIST 3320 Modern Europe
- HIST 3324 Women in European Society
- HIST 3331 European Social History
- HIST 3333 European Social and Political Thought
- HIST 3334 Nineteenth-Century European Culture and Society
- HIST 3336 Twentieth-Century European Culture and Society
- HIST 3337 Technology and Western Civilization
- HIST 3344 History of Science in Europe
- HIST 4330 The Holocaust
- HIST 4332 After the Holocaust
- HIST 4339 Berlin: History of a City
- HIST 4344 Topics in European History
- IPEC 4307 Regional Topics in International Political Economy*
- ISSS 4V86 Special Interdisciplinary Topics in the Social Sciences*
- LIT 3312 Studies in Prose Narrative (If Don Quixote in World Literature)
- LIT 3318 British Romanticism
- LIT 3319 Periods in English Literature
- LIT 3320 Shakespeare
- LIT 3321 Modern British Literature
- LIT 3343 European Romanticism
- LIT 3344 European Realism and Naturalism
- LIT 3381 Topics in Western Literature
- PSCI 4396 Selected Topics in Government and Politics*
- SOC 3336 Culture Regions*
Latin America
- GEOG 4396 Selected Topics in Geography*
- HIST 3358 Latin American History
- HIST 3379 United States Relations with Latin America
- HIST 3391 Modern Mexico
- HIST 3392 U.S. Mexico Borderlands
- HIST 3398 Colonial Latin American History
- HIST 3399 Modern Latin American History
- HIST 4359 Topics in Latin American History (may be repeated as topics vary)
- IPEC 4304 Political Economy of Latin America
- IPEC 4307 Regional Topics in International Political Economy*
- ISAH 4V88 Spec. I.S. Topics in A&H (If Mexican Politics)
- ISSS 4V86 Special Interdisciplinary Topics in the Social Sciences*
- ISIS 3390 Costa Rica Field Trip
- LIT 3312 Studies in Prose Narrative (If Don Quixote in World Literature)
- LIT 3385 Topics in Latin American Literature
- PSCI 4331 Mexican Politics
- PSCI 4332 Latin American Politics
- SOC 3336 Culture Regions*
Middle East/Asia
- GEOG 4396 Selected Topics in Geography*
- HIST 3312 Early China
- HIST 3313 Medieval China
- HIST 3314 Traditional China
- HIST 3315 Modern China
- HIST 3316 Women in Traditional China
- HIST 3351 The Ottoman Empire I
- HIST 3352 The Ottoman Empire II
- HIST 3355 Persians, Turks, and Mongols
- HIST 3370 The American Experience in Vietnam
- HIST 4358 Topics in Asian History
- IPEC 4310 Environmental and Health Policy in East Asia
- IPEC 4303 Political Economy of South and Southeast Asia
- IPEC 4307 Regional Topics in International Political Economy*
- ISIS 3335 United States and East Asia
- ISSS 4V86 Special Interdisciplinary Topics in the Social Sciences*
- LIT 3382 Topics in Non-Western Literature+
- PSCI 4396 Selected Topics in Government and Politics*
- PSCI 4312 Politics of East Asia
- PSCI 4313 Politics of China
- PSCI 4314 Political Economy of East Asia
- SOC 3336 Culture Regions*
Or have a substantive intercultural experience (40 hours or more) through a mix of experiences such as:
- Studying abroad
- Hosting or mentoring international students
- Participating in international events
- iFriend (25 hours)
- Global Leadership Retreat (20 hours)
- International Week (Passport to the World, International Brew House, Henna)
- Student Delegados for the Center for US-Latin America Initiatives at UT Dallas. Please contact for more information.
Please check the number of hours dedicated to each activity so you may fulfill the 40 hours requirement. Deepen your cultural agility through a mix of course work and experiences.