Create an Emergency Communications Plan

October 28, 2024

Prepare to manage risks abroad. UT Dallas faculty, staff, and students traveling abroad on behalf of the University can do so by creating an emergency communications plan. 

Personal Emergency Action Plan (PEAP) 

  • Develop an Emergency Communications Plan.  
  • Complete this template, print and carry it with you at all times.  
  • Share printed and e-copies with your emergency contacts. 

Access Emergency Assistance Abroad 

  • Emergencies can arise unexpectedly; determine who you will contact first, second, third, etc. 
  • Call On Call 24/7 at +1 (978) 651-9722 to get travel or emergency assistance. Identify yourself as a UT Dallas employee or student; note that On Call is not a first responder. 
  • Refer to the Country Sheet for your destination and keep handy:
    • The phone number for local emergency services. 
    • The U.S. Consulate or Embassy’s emergency contact number. 
    • The U.S. Consulate or Embassy’s number for your emergency contacts. 
    • The emergency contact number for your host program, if applicable. 

Stay Informed at Your Destination 

  • Be aware of how to receive local alerts, warnings, or emergency updates while abroad. 
  • Local authorities may not always provide immediate information during an emergency; therefore, access various information sources. 
  • After your trip is authorized, download the On Call International app register in it with your UTD Net ID email address, and to optimize usage of the app, use the recommended settings in the linked guide. The app includes helpful information and enables your institution and On Call to best communicate and assist you if there is an incident that may impact your health or safety. 
  • Enroll in the U.S. Department of State’s STEP program
  • Use the U.S. Department of State’s Country Sheet for your destination to find local sources of alerts and warnings and subscribe to them. 
  • Understand how your host program will communicate alerts, warnings, and instructions during emergencies. 
  • Identify local TV or radio stations to follow for updates and official instructions. 

Maintain Contact with Your School Network 

  • Carry the emergency phone number of your UT Dallas supervisor, RUO, or academic department contact. 
  • Have the emergency phone number of your host program available. 
  • Keep the phone numbers of your group leader and classmates in your group. Before departing, consider gathering with your group to ensure everyone has each other’s contact information. 

Identify Your Emergency Contacts Back Home 

  • Decide who you want the University to contact in case of serious illness, injury, or other emergencies. Include this information in your travel authorization request form and update it in Orion
  • Ensure that all your emergency contacts are aware of your wishes regarding serious injuries or illnesses. 
  • Make sure your emergency contacts can communicate with each other and key contacts such as your supervisor, RUO or academic department contact, On Call International, and the U.S. embassy at your location. 
  • Provide your emergency contacts with a copy of your trip itinerary and activities. 

Communicate with Your Emergency Contacts Back Home 

  • Consider obtaining an international calling plan for the duration of your trip abroad. 
  • Store your emergency contacts’ phone numbers in your mobile device. 
  • Explore alternative communication methods to stay in touch with your emergency contacts. 

Sources and Resources 

  1. U.S. Department of State (DOS) – Check the latest safety levels, local laws, and health risks for your destination.  
  2. Relevant Special Reports
    • Pre-Departure Risk Review – A detailed checklist to assess risks prior to departure.  
    • Risk Authorization Request – Required for destinations classified as high-risk by UT Dallas. This form helps ensure proper risk assessment and mitigation measures.  
  3. International Risk and Safety website  


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